13 Jul 2006

You know you have been in the US too long when...

Jag hade ju hittat en text om Finland för ett tag sen. Nu är det amerikanernas tur att få sig en omgång. Hoppas det inte smittar!

You know you have been in the US too long when...

1. You consider a car with two people in it a "high occupancy vehicle."
2. You think adding a small bag of potato chips to a sandwich constitutes a full and nutritious meal.
3. Walking is a natural way to enjoy your coffee.
4. You call a 12-ounce (35 cl) coffee "small."
5. Gas is outrageously expensive when the price hits $2.00 a gallon(€0.40 a liter).
6. You think you don't have to go to work if it snows outside.
7. You use a paper towel when grabbing the door handle at a public bathroom.
8. You prefer lip balms with antibiotics because they kill germs that could make you sick.
9. "Good" means "bad."
10. "Fantastic" means "good."
11. You show your patriotism by lying on an American flag beach towel.
12. You say "uh-huh" instead of "you're welcome."
13. You enjoy nature by driving around state parks in your car and taking pictures from the driver's seat.
14. You wear white sneakers with a suit on your way to work.
15. You wear white sneakers with a suit at work.
16. You don't even bother to open those credit card offers with "lowlow APR" pouring in the mail.
17. You know what balance transfers are.
18. You use balance transfers.
19. You buy a shredder to protect yourself against identity theft.
20. You know that 1040 is the real number of the beast.
21. You read the Bible on the subway.
22. You think that President's Day, Memorial Day, Veterans' Day and other public holidays were invented so that people would have more timeto go shopping.
23. The natural color of your teeth is fluorescent white.

Tack för det här bidraget, Henrik!

PS. Som vi ju alla vet, så är ju allt stort i Amerika, utom presidentens hjärna...


Anonymous said...

Jag måste testa om det funkar. ; Leif

Ullis said...

Jepp, det fungerar. Du får gärna höra av dej när du vill.