Killen han då bara växer och växer. I förra veckan torsdags vägde han redan 9,38 kg (20 lb 10 oz)... Inte undra på att folk frågar vad jag matar honom med! Hittills duger nästan vad som helst, förutom formula och potatis är inte heller nån större favorit.
Ute är det närmare 100F. I skuggan utanför vårt vardagsrumsfönster visar det just nu, dvs kl. 13.30, hela 36,6C. Puh! Talade med Jonas alldeles nyss. Lamporna blinkar till på kontoret allt emellanåt, eftersom elnätet är så hårt belastat. Försöker dra mitt strå till stacken och släcker och stänger av allt onödigt.
Någon kanske kommer ihåg att jag skrev här tidigare i somras att jag höll på att stiga på en orm när vi var ute på kvällspromenad i Thornhill. Kollade lite på nätet vad för sorts jätteläbbigt kräk det var fråga om och kom fram till att det antingen var en copperhead eller en cottonmouth. Eventuellt kunde det ha varit en banded water snake. Skrämmande i vilket fall som helst. Vill ni bli ännu mera äcklade, så läs den här artikeln från Charlotte Observer:
Christine Abdelmonem wanted her 15-month-old son to get a better look at the ducks waddling nearby in Freedom Park, so she lowered him to the ground. Before Adam's feet touched the grass, she felt a sharp tug. Wrapped around her son's leg was a ball python. She could see the snake, at least 4 feet long, biting Adam on the leg. Without thinking, she yanked the snake away and screamed for help. Two maintenance workers rushed over. One tried to kill the snake with a shovel and ended up trapping it in a bucket, said Karla Thornhill of Mecklenburg Park and Recreation.
Adam was taken to Carolinas Medical Center. He was fine Tuesday, a day after the attack, walking around the southeast Charlotte apartment where he lives with his mom and dad.
He has bite marks on his leg. The bite of a ball python isn't poisonous.
Abdelmonem remembers crying when paramedics asked her about the snake. "I didn't know they bit and I didn't know if they were poisonous," she said. "I felt like a bad mother."
She had brought Adam to Freedom Park south of uptown for a picnic. They were sitting under an oak tree at the lake's edge when they saw the ducks. Adam had just learned how to say "quack, quack," so she wanted him to get a better look. "I've been there all my life," she said, "and I've never seen a snake there."
Thornhill, of the park department, said she could not recall another incident where a snake bit a person at Freedom Park, although she said nonpoisonous black snakes have been seen there.
The Charlotte Nature Museum confirmed the snake was a ball python, Thornhill said. Carnivorous snakes native to Africa, they curl into a ball when threatened and kill their prey - including rats and young chickens - by constricting it.
John Calchera, owner of Pineville Pets, took in the snake. He thinks it may have been abandoned by a pet owner. He said he doesn't think the snake will survive being beaten by the shovel.
"It's a totally harmless thing," he said. "Why attack a harmless thing?"
Looking at Adam toddling happily around the apartment, it's hard to believe anything happened, his mother said. He cried while the snake was on him, but recovered surprisingly fast. "When I pulled it off, he was fine," she said. "I wasn't."
About Ball Pythons
Found near water in open forests and savannas of Africa. Females can reach up to 6 feet long. Generally well-mannered and curls into a ball if threatened. Constricts its food, which includes rats and young chickens. Ball pythons are legal as pets in Mecklenburg County, as are any non-venomous snakes under 50 pounds. Animal advocates caution that some exotic pets, while cute when young, can become difficult and time-consuming to care for as they grow.
SOURCE: The Discovery Channel, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Animal Control
Elspararhälsningar, Ullis (plus Valter under stolen).
PS. Valter hälsar: "Vem behöver baby gym, när det finns skrivbordsstolar och mammas fötter att krafsa på?"
Efter en hand operation...
1 day ago
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